briarcliff manor
The Village of Briarcliff Manor, New York is located in affluent Westchester County, nestled along the historic and scenic Hudson River. With 5 3/4 square miles of land, the Village offers a rustic residential environment within easy commuting distance to Manhattan and all that New York City has to offer. Less than thirty (30) miles north of Manhattan, Briarcliff Manor is easily accessible via Route 9, Route 9A, Route 100, Saw Mill River Parkway, and Taconic State Parkway. Metro-North railroad makes regular stops at the Village's Scarborough Train Station, providing many residents with the opportunity to commute to New York City by train.
The Village's Central Business District is a quaint, tree-lined commercial area offering charming shops, restaurants and convenient services. With brick sidewalks, free parking and period street lighting, the area is one of the most desirable in the region.
The Village of Briarcliff Manor communicates regularly with its residents through a variety of different methods. Among these include the monthly newsletter published by the Village Board of Trustees known as the Manor Monthly. Additionally, the Village of Briarcliff Manor updates its cable television channel daily which includes numerous updates concerning Village government affairs, programs and notifications. Briarcliff Manor Channel 78 provides residents with an opportunity to view live Board of Trustees regular meetings, review Board agendas, obtain public meeting schedules, access program notices and other up-to-date information. The Village also publishes legal notices in the Journal News and in the Gazette to notify residents of public hearings and other important issues.
One of the proudest accomplishments of the Village of Briarcliff Manor has been its ability to carefully and creatively balance development with the preservation of open space and the Village's historic character. In fact, the Village itself owns and maintains over 172 acres of active and passive parkland.